Draw a one or two page comic
without using ANY words. Goal is to practice how to tell stories through acting and staging. You can do any story. Or try describing how to tie a shoe.
Bring your Superhero/Monster Adventure comic to our next class, so we can discuss how to finish the book.
Next week if the weather's decent, we'll be drawing outside. So please dress accordingly and bring something to draw with and draw on that will work in cool temperatures.
Also: We're about halfway through the semester. Classes will continue to include exercises, but will focus more on your own comics, and working on the final project. So think of stories to develop into comics.
And: Our class will be exhibiting work in the 3rd floor hall from March 28 to April 7. I would like to show the Superhero Monster Adventure comic (and also hand out copies), plus display a comic or two extra from each person. So begin bringing in this work at our next class on March 11. And do people have poster ideas?
Note: Our March 11 class is the last before our spring break. So we won't meet on March 18. But will meet again on March 25.